The essence of Al-Wataniya Concrete Corporate strategy is integrating processes and services to deliver the best-value, high-quality, customer-centric and just-on-time product, adopting its long renowned 6 P’s Rule philosophy.
                To this effect, Al-Wataniya Concrete has positioned itself strongly as one of the leading producers and suppliers of ready mix concrete in Qatar. Al-Wataniya currently operates its batching plants that are spread across the State of Qatar to fulfill Qatar’s escalating demand to Good Concrete, by persistently optimizing its Quality Control Program to deliver Durable and High performance Concrete (HPC).
                Al Wataniya Concrete is actively engaged in continuous technological research and education. Research and development activities include the qualification and selection of raw materials, admixture analysis, new product design and development, and applications research. Education programs are conducted in conjunction with the local chapters of engineering, standards organizations and American Concrete Institute (ACI).
                Al Wataniya Concrete produces and supplies Ready-Mixed Concrete to customers through a national network of four (4) fixed commercial outlets and when required project-specific onsite batching facilities. At each location, a team of experienced and fully qualified experts is on-hand to offer technical advice and assistance to customers.
                With nine (9) batching plants, 118 transit mixers, 28 pumps and a supporting fleet of cement bulkers; Al Wataniya Concrete is considered as one of the largest Ready-Mixed Concrete producing companies in Qatar, with a total production capacity exceeds of One Million Cubic Meter per Year.
                Totaling more than 750 Management, Administrative, Technical and Operational Staff; Al Wataniya Concrete team is highly qualified and widely experienced. All Staff benefit from an on-going comprehensive training and development programme(s) together with a progressive working environment which encourages initiative and career advancement. Supported by the most modern and well-maintained equipment fleet in the industry and an advanced state-of-art technology platform. With such impressive human and technical resources, Al Wataniya Concrete is uniquely placed to customers with the highest level of services and satisfaction.

Company Profile

                 Through an uncompromising approach to Quality and Services and with unrivalled industry experience, Al Wataniya Concrete has become the leading producer and supplier of Ready- Mixed Concrete and its related products in Qatar.
                The Company established in July of 2005; is a group of a very well Qualified and Experienced Engineers and Professionals in the Ready-Mixed Industry. Al Wataniya prides itself for being the first company in the market to acquire the NRMCA Certification, in addition to QGSM (Qatar General Organization for Standard and Metrology) Certification. Al Wataniya’s commitment to excellence and quality is sustained and empowered by the dedication of its team-oriented, high-qualified and long-experienced team of Engineers and Professionals, who knowledgeably utilize their know how of the gulf market dynamics to deliver efficiently and in a timely manner.


                The first in the market to achieve National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA) accreditation in addition to quality and conformity certificate from Ministry of Environment. The Company’s commitment to total quality management has resulted to certification for Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015 and the organization is also certified to ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018, OHSAS 18001:2007, BES 6001 (Framework Standard for Responsible Sourcing), and GGM-EPD (Gulf Green Mark – Environmental Product Declaration by GORD).


                Al Wataniya Concrete vision is to become the market leader in Ready-Mixed Concrete Industry in Qatar by providing our customers with values in excellent delivery services, competitive price-cost profitable growth and product quality.


                Al Wataniya Concrete Mission is to manufacture, provide and deliver quality of Ready- Mixed Concrete with innovative development and services to meet and exceeds customer’s satisfaction in terms of service and quality for a long-term profitability and continuity of the company.








                Al Wataniya Concrete had leaped long steps throughout its development process, where some of its products were originally made to serve its own requirements, but the quality of these products had created demands for mass production. Therefore, we have mobilized hundreds of employees to work within a complex management system and distributed them in a wide range of production facilities in order to accomplish that task.

Al Wataniya concrete have the ability to produce different types of ready mixed concrete products as follows :

1. Normal weight concrete.
8. Mass concrete.
2. Light weight concrete.
9. FTB (Fluidized trench backfilled)
3. Foam concrete.
10. CBM( Cement bound material)
4. Durable concrete.
11. Non-shrinkage concrete.
5. Self compacted concrete (SCC).
12. No fine concrete.
6. Screed concrete.
13. Mortar/plaster.
7. Shotcrete.

The raw materials used at concrete manufacturing as follows :

1.  Cementitious Materials
• OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement)
• SRC (Sulfate Resistant Cement)
• Micro silica
• Fly Ash
• GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast Furnish Slag)
2.  Admixture
3.  Aggregates and Sand
•  Coarse Aggregate
->  20mm Gabbro, 20mm Limestone
->  10mm Gabbro, 10mm Limestone
•  Fine Aggregates
->  Washed Sand
4.  Water



Project 1

View Larger

Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies



Project 2

View Larger

Al Shmouk Twin Towers

CLIENT NAME:Real State Service Group


Project 3

View Larger

Barwa Financial District



Project 4

View Larger

Lusail Development CP3A



Project 5

View Larger

Multipurpose Hall at Al Sadd

CLIENT NAME:Qatar Olympic Committee


Project 6

View Larger

Supreme Education Council

CONTRACTOR:Al Huda Engineering Works


                To ensure its sustainable compliance with international quality standards, Al-Wataniya Concrete has been disseminating its expertise and pursuit to high-quality concrete by organizing and sponsoring four ACI training programs a year that target Al-Wataniyas clients, contractors and suppliers; as such recruiting quality-control officers not on Al-Wataniyas payroll! The training program is conducted in conjunction with the local chapters of engineering, standard organizations and the American Concrete Association (ACI). Furthermore, Al-Wataniya is constantly engaged in research and studies related to the evolving technologies in the concrete industry.


                 Fully documented quality control processes and procedures form an integral part of the ISO-certified Quality Management System at Al Wataniya Ready-mix. We are proud of our reputation for having what are, arguably, the most stringent testing programs conducted in


                 Al Wataniya Ready-mix fixed and on-site factories have their own testing laboratories that are properly equipped and staffed for conducting routine tests in line with the company's internationally-approved standards' testing program. Each local laboratory reports to its respective regional laboratory.


Al Wataniya Concrete provides a healthy and safe working environment for its employees, stakeholders, customers and interested parties in compliance with Qatar laws, local regulations and legislation, and applicable international standards. HSE is in charge of meeting these requirements. The employs competent HSE manager and officers assigned on each batching plants’ operation (see below organization chart) dedicated to ensure that the company HSE policies are adhered to in terms of identifying hazards and aspects to minimize if not eliminate any risks and impacts that may lead to injuries or environmental concerns
                 The foremost program of HSE is to provide needed awareness for personnel on HSE matters and its effects to the company’s productivity, sustainability, and image. Included in the program are identification and implementation of training needs, acquiring of resources like Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), conducting emergency drills, inductions, toolbox talks, pre-task briefing, site inspection, incident/accident investigation, etc. The HSE is also in charge of collaboration with customers, government entities and interested parties on HSE matters, attending HSE meetings, and addressing HSE related complaints and issues.
                 HSE conducts regular audits and inspections at all the company’s sites to confirm compliance with standards and objectives. It provides information to all employees of operational and HSE standards, practices, objectives and procedures. Employees know and understand their own responsibilities towards themselves and others and adopt safe, healthy working practices, and protection of the environment at all times. The company’s HSE management carries out HSE hazard and aspects identification, risks and impacts assessments when new projects are initiated and provides inductions for company employees and sub- contractors working on Al Wataniya projects. In this way, the following objectives are met:

  • The safety of people
  • The integrity of plant and equipment
  • The continuity and sustainability of processes
  • The protection and care of the environment

    The production of ready-mixed concrete can be sub-divided into three major activities:

                     1) The receipt and inspection of incoming materials,

                     2) The actual batching process and

                     3) The inspection of the final product prior to its placement in site.

                    As the actual batching process is a continuous process due to the nature of the operation, inspection and testing points are established for incoming materials and final products as well as the calibration and verification at regular intervals for batching equipment to ensure product quality. An outlined plan for the control of incoming raw materials and final product is located in appendix A. The Technical Supervisor will verify that, all incoming raw material test reports complete with the relevant standards as stated in Quality Control Test Plan for Concrete and Constituents.The raw materials or certified product used in production will be purchased from approved vendors in accordance with Purchasing Procedure.

                    Prior to use in production, incoming materials will be visually inspected by the Laboratory staff and released for use in production. The Stores will verify the quantity and prepare the Goods Receipt Note (computer-generated). All Laboratory staff members have the authority to inspect the incoming raw material. If the visual inspection fails, the Laboratory personnel are authorized to reject the load.

                    Once received, coarse material and fine aggregates are allocated to bins for use in production. Samples are taken and identified clearly indicating its type, size, bin number etc. and testing is carried out in accordance with the Quality Control Testing Plan for Concrete and Constituents . Relevant standards outlining the test procedures are available to the lab personnel. If the samples tested indicate non-compliance, will be followed to deal with the non-compliance. In the event of non-compliance the testing technician will inform the QA/QC Engineer and/or Technical Supervisor who maintains the responsibility of nonconformity reporting and disposition in accordance with Control of Nonconforming Products.

                    Certified product supplied by approved suppliers will be allowed for immediate use and certificates retained for traceability purposes. Cement mill certificates are received from the cement supplier on weekly basis and admixture certificates will be supplied by the manufacturer for the deliveries from each batch produced.

                    1) For cements, the Storekeeper will check that it is being loaded into the correct silo and confirm the tonnage of delivery against the loading and unloading weigh bills. The signed delivery ticket will be forwarded to accounts.

                    2) For admixtures, the Lab. Technician will ensure that it is loaded into the appropriate tank this will ensure that the quantity is correct. They will jointly sign the delivery ticket and forward it to accounts.

                    Production of the final product is carried out through a fully automated batching plant. Approved mix designs are provided by the Technical Manager and entered into the plant computer by the QA/QC Engineer and/or Lab In-charge. Computer printouts in the form of delivery tickets are forwarded to the customer with the product. The weighing mechanisms and software for all the constituent materials will be properly maintained and calibrated at regular intervals to ensure the quality of the product. Maintenance and Calibration Schedules, responsibilities are : Plant Maintenance Process Control and Control of Measuring and Testing Equipment respectively.

                    Once the batching operation is complete, the product will undergo final inspection and testing in accordance with approved standards , Quality Control Test Plan for Concrete and Constituents. The compressive cube strength in is filled and maintained as records for final inspection and testing.The Checkpoint Report will be maintained by the QA/QC Engineer and/or Lab In-charge as record of final inspection and testing.The testing technician has the authority to release the concrete for dispatch. If it does not pass final inspection it will be dealt with in accordance with Control of Nonconforming Product.Maintenance of equipment used for supply of ready-mix products is directed and controlled through procedure of Plant Maintenance Process Control.


                    The Technical Supervisor will be responsible for the maintenance of all materials test reports. Computer generated materials receipt & spare parts receipt records will be maintained by Stores. The Technical Supervisor will maintain a separate file for cement and admixture certificates.A master set of this procedure filed with other Company IMS Procedures under the reference: Production and Quality Process Control.Revisions of this procedure are carried out on the recommendations of the Department Heads. Amendments are reviewed and authorized for issue by the Management Representative and/or the General Manager.


                    Al Wataniya Concrete is considered to have one of the largest fleets of concrete delivery networks in Qatar, supported by a fleet of light duty vehicles... Al Wataniya Concrete has positioned itself strongly as one of the leading producers and supplier of ready mix concrete at Qatar by increasing its resources and supporting fleets to be 118 truck mixers and 20 pumps which ranges from 34-62 m boom lengths.


    Transit Mixers146
    Head Trailer13
    Concrete mobile Pump30
    Stationary Pumps3
    Batching Plant25
    Concrete recycling plants4
    Ice Plant7
    Chiller 9
    Cement Bulker 26
    Shovel 20
    Skid Loader 6
    Placing Booms 13


                    Al Wataniya Concrete is the first ready mix concrete company in the State of Qatar to receive the National Ready Mix Concrete Association (NRMCA) certification, in addition to Qatar General Organization for Standard and Metrology (QGSM) certification from Ministry of Environment (MOE).
                    The Company’s commitment to Integrated Management System (IMS) has directed the organization to achieve the certification for Quality Management System ISO (9001:2015), Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015), Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001:2018) and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001:2007). Our dedication to strict quality standard extends to every area of its operations, where all our materials are subjected to extensive and stringent testing measures.
                    Al Wataniya Concrete is the first ready mix concrete company in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to acquire certification for BES 6001 (Framework Standard for Responsible Sourcing) under BRE Global UK. It has also received certification for Gulf Green Mark-Environmental Product Declaration (GGM-EPD) by Qatar-based Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD).
                    Al Wataniya Concrete is actively engaged in continuous technical research, courses, and certifications of technical staff to provide a team of experienced and qualified experts ready to offer technical advice and assistance to customers. The technical staffs are certified to American Concrete Institute (ACI) for Concrete Field Testing Technician and the Technical Manager is awarded with the Concrete Construction Special Inspector certificate by ACI.


    Calibration Docs

    Industrial Area I & II
    Simaisma Plant I & II


    QHSE Policy
    Responsible Sourcing Policy
    AWC Sustainability Report 2019
    Code of Conduct and Business Ethics


    Certificate of Conformity
    Certificate of Sustainability Excellence
    ISO Certificates
    Certificate of BES 6001
    Exellent Contribution Award
    Gulf Green Mark - Environmental Product Declaration
    Sister Companies


                    Being employed at Al Wataniya Concrete is more than just having a job, its more like being a member of a family, because working with us is always appreciated, and good work is always valued and rewarded, therefore; join us and be a part of our family.

    Current Openings

    Executive Secretary

    We are looking for an experienced Executive Secretary with at least 3 years of experience in a construction company or any similar experience. She will be working for the General Manager and will be handling the reception.